Art and Design Area
Bachelor of Fine Arts
The Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) degree consists of Art History and Aesthetics requirement of 15 hours, core studio requirements of 26 hours and a choice of emphasis in one of the following: Animation, Graphic Design, Two Dimensional Studio, and Three Dimensional Studio. Each of the emphases areas are 35 hours. The total art program is 76 hours.
Art and Design Area Degrees
B.F.A.Core Requirements for Art and Design Area - 41 Hours
The following courses are required for all emphases of the Art and Design Area:
Take each of these courses - Art History and Aesthetics:
ART 310 Art History I - 3
ART 311 Art History II - 3
ART 312 Aesthetics - 3
ART 410 Twentieth Century Art History - 3
Choose one course from this list:
ART 390/490 Special Studies in Art History - 3
ART 411 World Art - 3
ART 412 Graphic Design and Animation History - 3
(ART 412 is required for Animation and Graphic Design Emphasis; choose another Art
History course.)
Take each of these courses - Core Requirements in Studio:
ART 101 Drawing I - 3
ART 202 Drawing II - 3
ART 120 Elements of Design - 3
ART 121 Graphic Design I - 3
ART 214 Painting I - 3
ART 215 Ceramics I - 3
ART 221 Three-Dimensional Design - 3
ART 222 Sculpture I - 3
ART 460Service Learning Internship - 1
Art 470 Senior Exhibit and Seminar - 1
Art and Design Area - Animation Emphasis: 76 Hours
Core Requirements (see above) - 41 Hours
Animation Emphasis - 26 Hours
Take each of these courses: 26 Hours
ART 432 Studio Problems I - 2
ART 443 Studio Problems II - 3
ART 412 Graphic Design and Animation History - 3
ART 302 Drawing III - 3
ART 322 Sculpture II - 3
ART 321 Graphic Design II - 3
ART 461 Animation I - 3
ART 462 Animation II - 3
ART 463 Animation III - 3
Art Electives - 6 Hours
Choose Art courses totaling six hours. Choose from Art Elective List at the end. Choose courses not required in the area.
Art and Design Area - Graphic Design Emphasis: 76 Hours
Core Requirements (see above) - 41 Hours
Animation Emphasis - 26 Hours
Take each of these courses: 26 Hours
ART 432 Studio Problems I - 2
ART 443 Studio Problems II - 3
ART 335 Printmaking I - 3
ART 412 Graphic Design and Animation History - 3
ART 321 Graphic Design II - 3
ART 421 Graphic Design III - 3
ART 422 Graphic Design IV - Digital Illustration - 3
ART 302 Drawing III - 3
ART 314 Painting II - 3
Art Electives - 6 Hours
Choose Art courses totaling six hours. Choose from Art Elective List at the end. Choose courses not required in the area.
Art and Design Area - Two Dimension (2D) Studio Emphasis: 76 Hours
Core Requirements (see above) - 41 Hours
Two Dimensional (2D) Studio Emphasis - 29 Hours
Take each of these courses: 29 Hours
ART 300 Stagecraft II - 3
ART 302 Drawing III - 3
ART 314 Painting II - 3
ART 320 Photography - 3
ART 335 Printmaking I - 3
ART 350 Watercolor I - 3
ART 414 Painting III - 3
ART 450 Watercolor II - 3
ART 432 Studio Problems I - 3
ART 443 Studio Problems II - 3
Art Electives - 6 Hours
Choose Art courses totaling six hours. Choose from Art Elective List at the end. Choose courses not required in the area.
Art and Design Area - Three Dimension (3D) Studio Emphasis: 76 Hours
Core Requirements (see above) - 41 Hours
Two Dimensional (2D) Studio Emphasis - 29 Hours
Take each of these courses: 29 Hours
ART 300 Stagecraft II - 3
ART 315 Ceramics II - 3
ART 322 Sculpture II - 3
ART 324 Sculpture III - 3
ART 415 Ceramics III - 3
ART 416 Ceramics IV - 3
ART 423 Sculpture IV - 3
ART 424 Three Dimensional Design II - 3
ART 432 Studio Problems I - 2
ART 443 Studio Problems II - 3
Art Electives - 6 Hours
Choose Art courses totaling six hours. Choose from Art Elective List at the end. Choose courses not required in the area.
Art Elective List
ART 121 Graphic Design I - 3
ART 215 Ceramics I - 3
ART 222 Sculpture I - 3
ART 280 Special Topics - 3
ART 300 Stagecraft II - 3
ART 302 Drawing III - 3
ART 312 Aesthetics - 3
ART 314Painting II - 3
ART 315 Ceramics II - 3
ART 320 Photography - 3
ART 321 Graphic Design II - 3
ART 322 Sculpture II - 3
ART 324 Sculpture III - 3
ART 335 Printmaking I - 3
ART 350 Watercolor I - 3
ART 390 Special Studies in Art History I - 1-3
ART 411 World Art - 3
ART 412 Graphic Design and Animation History - 3
ART 414 Painting III - 3
ART 416 Ceramics IV - 3
ART 421 Graphic Design III - 3
ART 422 Graphic Design IV - Digital Illustration - 3
ART 432 Studio Problems I - 2
ART 433 Studio Problems I - 3
ART 435 Printmaking II - 3
ART 442 Studio Problems II - 2
ART 443 Studio Problems II - 3
ART 450 Watercolor Painting II - 3
ART 460 Service Learning Internship - 1-4
ART 461 Animation I - 3
ART 462 Animation II - 3
ART 463 Animation III - 3
ART 490 Special Studies in Art History II - 1-3

College of Arts and Sciences
Earn a degree in the fields of Art and Design, Human Performance, Humanities, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and more.
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